Imam Nawawi Project
Unfortunately due to the lack of Islamic literature in the English language many individuals struggle to correctly understand prophetic traditions (hadiths). Exposure and accessibility to experts and authorities in the field of hadiths can drastically help and guide individuals from misinterpretation and/or incorrect application of hadiths. Islamic Community Milli Görüş (ICMG) in Australia is excited to commence an important project that involves translating one of the best commentaries of Sahih Muslim available by the renowned scholar Imam Nawawi (RH). The voluminous commentary is entitled Al-Minhaj; ICMG aims to coordinate the translation of this literature from Arabic into English by Adil Salahi. It is anticipated that this work will help assist English speaking Muslims to have a better understanding of hadith.

Current Progress
All fourteen volumes have been translated. However, we still need your humble donations to print and publish the remaining seven volumes. You can be part of this project by donating. Your donation will fund the remaining costs of this project and you shall gain the reward of Sadaqah Jariyah as a result.
Our Translator
Ustad Adil Salahi talks about the book translation project.
Ways to Purchase
All published volumes can be purchased from the ICMG Australia head office.
Stock is limited, alternatively books can be purchased online through participating online Islamic bookstores.
Why Sahih Muslim?
Many Muslims regard Sahih Muslim to be the second most authentic hadith collection after Sahih al-Bukhari. It is reported by notable scholars that the scientific arrangement of the themes and chapters within Sahih Muslim are unique and easier to understand than al-Bukhari. For example, Imam Muslim selects a proper theme for the narrative and provides all differing versions alongside it. Consequently, in the exercise of understanding hadith Sahih Muslim offers the best material for the students. For this reason, we believe it’s more appropriate to translate the commentary of Sahih Muslim at this time.
Why is the duration of the project forecasted to be 7 years?
The duration of the project is forecasted to be 7 years due to the following reasons:
(1) the project involves the translation of 14 volumes which will be translated by one individual;
(2) before the translator commences his work he is required to analyse “al-Minhaj” to establish his method of translation;
(3) each volume will be edited by professional editors; and
(4) the time it takes to publish all 14 volumes.
Why is this project a big deal?
Unfortunately due to the lack of Islamic literature in the English language many individuals struggle to correctly understand prophetic traditions (hadiths). Exposure and accessibility to experts and authorities in the field of hadiths can drastically help and guide individuals from misinterpretation and/or incorrect application of hadiths. This project is extremely important as it is anticipated to help assist English speaking Muslims to have a better understanding of hadith.
Ways I can help?
The ICMG team is looking for committed supporters to help fund this significant project and to reach out to the masses. This can be achieved by:
Representing the ICMG team
- We will give you tools and training to be the face of the ICMG Team
Advocating for the “al-Minhaj” project
- Host events in your community and crowdfund for the “al-Minhaj” project
- Use social media to promote project
- Be vocal in providing awareness of the project to friends, family, and community
Collaborate with the ICMG team
- Engage online and in-person with the ICMG organisation to sustain the project
Funding the “al-Minhaj” project
- Donate generously
- Supplicate to Allah (swt) for the khair (goodness) and barakah (blessing) of this project
Insight to budget breakdown?
Resources that are required for the completion of the project are shown in Table 1. The funding requirements are estimates and will be updated over the course of the project.
Table 1. Expected Resource Requirements to Complete Project